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Copyright Midas Football Academy ©2024

A 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization.

Youth Education

Empowering Tomorrow, Educating Today

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Beyond Soccer: Nurturing Minds, Building Futures

Midas Football Academy is steadfast in its commitment to comprehensive youth education, emphasizing both soccer skills and vocational training. Our multifaceted programs aim to provide not just sports training, but character development, empowering every child to discover their unique path and purpose. By doing so, we aspire to mitigate societal challenges, such as the rise in juvenile detentions.

Our vision is to sculpt the upcoming leaders across diverse fields, from sports to politics. Moreover, understanding the varied aspirations of our youth, we offer alternate routes through trade and vocational education, ensuring no talent goes unnoticed or unguided.


A Letter from the President:

Our Commitment to Youth Education

Education, in its holistic form, is the cornerstone upon which the future is built. At Midas Football Academy, our dedication extends beyond the soccer field, reaching the core of what truly matters: shaping young minds and guiding them towards a future brimming with possibilities.

Our programs have been meticulously crafted not only to hone soccer skills but to provide robust vocational education and character development. Every child, irrespective of their background, deserves an opportunity to discover their unique purpose and meaning in life. We are deeply committed to ensuring this, and in doing so, we believe we can alleviate some of the larger societal challenges, such as the escalating numbers of teens in the juvenile justice system.

We envision our academy as the birthplace of the next generation of leaders. Whether it’s in the realm of sports, entertainment, or even politics, we aim to mold individuals who will stand tall, lead with integrity, and make impactful contributions to society. Recognizing that traditional pathways aren’t for everyone, we’re also proud to offer an alternative in the form of trade and vocational education, ensuring every child finds their niche.

Together, with your support and trust, we are not just training athletes; we are nurturing future visionaries, innovators, and leaders. Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey.

Bayonle Arashi

President, Midas Football Academy





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