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A 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization.

Sports Safety

Making the World a Better Place For All of Us

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Championing Safety, Nurturing Champions

Safety is paramount at Midas Football Academy, and our commitment to sports safety is unwavering. With a solid foundation in science and preventative care, we incorporate cutting-edge concussion prevention and management techniques into our programs.

Furthermore, given the intensity of soccer and the external factors at play, we have prioritized hydration and heat management to ensure our athletes remain at their peak in all conditions. While soccer stands out as one of the safer sports for youth, at Midas, we elevate that safety benchmark by regularly updating our training in alignment with the latest safety research.


A Letter from the President:

Our Commitment to Safety

In the relentless pursuit of excellence, nothing takes precedence over the well-being and safety of our young athletes. At Midas Football Academy, we deeply understand that the foundation of every great athlete is rooted in the science of safety and preventive care.

We are proud to lead the way in embedding the most advanced methodologies in concussion prevention and management into our training programs. Concussions are a pressing concern in sports today, but with our rigorous protocols and continuous monitoring, we’re at the forefront of ensuring that our athletes are protected and educated.

Our commitment doesn’t stop there. With the rising temperatures and intense training sessions, effective hydration and heat management have become pivotal. We ensure that our athletes are equipped with the knowledge and tools to stay safe, hydrated, and cool even under the most demanding conditions.

It’s also worth noting that soccer, by its very nature, is one of the safer sports options for young players. While no sport is completely free from risks, soccer offers a blend of physical exertion and strategic play, minimizing the direct confrontations found in some other sports. At Midas, we further enhance this safety quotient by continually updating our training based on the latest sports safety research.

As we forge ahead, let us always remember that the heart of Midas isn’t just about creating exceptional soccer players; it’s about nurturing well-rounded individuals who are aware, safe, and ready for the world both on and off the pitch.

Bayonle Arashi

President, Midas Football Academy





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