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Midas at the Soccerex 2023 Conference in Miami

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A fantastic soccer event:

Midas Academy Shines at Soccerex 2023 Conference in Miami


We are excited to share with you all the incredible experience we had at the recently concluded Soccerex 2023 Conference in Miami. It was an eventful gathering, bringing together the crème de la crème of the soccer world, and Midas Academy was there, right in the thick of it!

From the moment we stepped into the vibrant halls of Soccerex, we knew we were in for an enriching experience. The conference was a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and insights from clubs and soccer organizations at all levels across the globe. As representatives of Midas Academy, we were thrilled to be a part of such a dynamic environment, surrounded by the passion and expertise that drives our beloved sport forward.

One of the highlights for us was the opportunity to connect with clubs and organizations from different parts of the world. These interactions were not just enlightening but also opened doors for future collaborations and partnerships. We exchanged ideas, discussed challenges, and explored potential solutions, all in the spirit of advancing the game of soccer and nurturing young talent.

As we gear up for the World Cup 2026, these learnings and connections will play a significant role in how we shape our programs and strategies at Midas Academy. To ensure that our community and supporters are part of our journey, we have put together a short video capturing our biggest takeaways from the Soccerex 2023 Conference. This video, we hope, will not only inform but also inspire all of us as we continue to work towards our goals in soccer education and youth development.

We invite you to watch the video, available on our website and social media channels, and share in the excitement and inspiration we gleaned from this remarkable event. Let’s keep the conversation going and work together towards a future where every young athlete at Midas Academy can reach their full potential.

We are also incredibly grateful for the hard work and dedication of the Soccerex organizers. Their commitment to creating a platform for learning, networking, and growth in soccer is commendable, and we are thankful for their efforts in making this event a success.

Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to an exciting road ahead to the World Cup 2026!

Bayonle Arashi

President, Midas Football Academy